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dugg for "no way, you like vaginas too!" buenisimos!!! Time to kick these feminists out of planet earth.. Wireless Sixaxis also doubling as a mouse. so does that mean they need to completely revamp the name YMCA? sigue subiendo cosas como esas. quiero uno para navidad Buried as inaccurate. if ur a lesbo and wanna tak dirty add me! it shouldn't matter what other people think. thats pretty sick, someone should put a shock collar on him. It's the sport of kings... better than diamond rings.... FOOTBALL!

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Now what I really want is an MKV compatible PS3 so I can play all my... probably not. This is just ***** stupid. I was expecting a Cracked-eque sarky article. In other words. Go Lions!!!! The YMCA is *****. Interesting I was never aware that being a boy was sexist.. Agassi game ages ago in the US open? I saw Katie Perry naked and I like'd it. maybe some of this will sink in for me. What kept them from taking these collars off anyway?

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Later scumbag. It works great, I only wish it was more compatible. a ps3 and a xbox 360 duct taped together to make a single entity. so does that mean they need to completely revamp the name YMCA? it shouldn't matter what other people think. Sort of sucks because stock Ubuntu isn't consistent with the PS3 user input scheme. Wow what a detailed article... This isn't so much a victory for Nadal as a disappointment for those who saw Federer's former potential. Okay, this whole political correctness things is getting out of hand. Also, FTA: "Plus, Ubuntu can only see and use 221.7 MB of the PS3's 512MB of RAM for some reason." Did anyone else think this was going to be an Onion article? Where the OS is actually customized for what it's being used for.

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And they can't call it a "club" anymore either. Like the US economy. Now what I really want is an MKV compatible PS3 so I can play all my... Man, life sucks... Using a shock collar on your kids is wrong? Huh. . . yet they're overlooked because they don't live up to the "standards" of... everyone. Did anyone else think this was going to be an Onion article? but you get the idea. ;) ALISON ANGEL IS WAY HOTTER SNES fullspeed, full screen. Wow something called the ***** would really be a pisser. We're just going through the motions at this point.

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nembe de tener un auto asi dormiria con el comeria con el y todo con el. They are very different players, and very similar with their amazing strokes and technical play. I've always rooted for Nadal since he was the underdog against Federer. nah, I'm gonna keep mah super console the way it is... All too soon, they realize that it's not real. Crazy. they should just load up all the train carts and send the boys to the concentration camps.. y r all porn stars blonde and look lyk barbie jeez dnt they hae a life or r dey lyk da losers dat watch dis PERVERTS One of my cats used to jump at screensavers. Yeah, and they sure as hell didn't act out at Applebee's either. Wow, not a single comment that finds this as ridiculous as I do? i shed a tear for these girls