How to Relax with Aromatherapy

How to Relax with Aromatherapy

Let your nose lead you to relaxation by employing the art of aromatherapy. That means letting the scents of essential oils from flowers and plants help change your mood from frenetic to peaceful. Many essential oils have a calming effect and some even help induce sleep. Here are some suggestions on how to relax with aromatherapy.


Drop essential oils into a relaxing bath. One of the best ways to unwind from stress is to take a hot bath. Combine that with the comforting scents of
, rose, chamomile, lemon, geranium, neroli, palma rosa, jasmine, sandalwood or ylang ylang and you'll be floating off to paradise in no time. Combine any of these oils or use one alone. They all have soothing affects on body and mind.


Put a few drops of essential oil onto a tissue and inhale deeply a few times to move your mind toward calmer thoughts during stressful periods. This is also good for the office. You can keep a scented tissue in your pocket or on the desk to gently waft fragrance to your nostrils. Especially good for this is lavender, which has a rich but subtle scent, and one that co-workers are not likely to object to. And lavender is one of nature's best relaxers.


Take aromatherapy for a drive. To settle thoughts and nerves while getting through the daily traffic, put a couple of drops of lemon, ginger, clove, orange, peppermint or lavender onto a tissue or cotton ball and place near the air vents in the car. Use these oils, which have a calming effect but also help enhance mental clarity. Replace the tissue or cotton ball every couple of days as the scent diminishes. You'll stay relaxed and peaceful during the morning and evening commute.


Wind down for sleep by scenting the bedroom with relaxing aromatherapy oils. Best for inducing sleep are rose, clary sage, jasmine, hyacinth, carnation, sandalwood, bergamot and palma rosa. Place a few drops on a diffuser and let the scent fill the air before you turn down the covers. Keeping the bedroom door closed will help keep the aroma in. You'll have sweet dreams!


Use essential oils for a relaxing massage. Add 3 to 5 drops of essential oil to any kind of unscented oil, including simple vegetable oil, and enjoy a relaxing massage. Aromatherapy from massage oils is very effective because it envelopes the body in a cloud of soothing scent. Any fragrance that you like will work, but especially good for massages are rose, lavender, sandalwood, geranium, peppermint and lemon.

Tips & Warnings

Because essential oils are concentrated, use them with care. Except for lavender, tea tree and peppermint, always dilute essential oils before putting directly on the skin. Use vegetable oil, rubbing alcohol or water to dilute them.

Never take essential oils internally.

How to Prepare for a Drug Test

How to Prepare for a Drug Test

Preparing for a drug test is not as complicated as it initially seems. There is a lot of talk about certain foods triggering false positives on such tests. There are some steps you can take to prevent this and help ease your jitters before taking a drug test. Read on to learn more.


Purchase a detoxification product. The prices vary dramatically. You must determine the amount of protection you need.


Eat healthily. Items high in fat such as grease, butter and creams slow the detoxification process. Eat a high-fiber, vegetable-filled and protein-rich diet. Eat frequently, but on the day of the test consume lighter meals.


Drink 12 8-oz. glasses of water a day.


Take creatinine supplements, if they are not included in your detoxification product. Urine tests gauge creatinine levels. If they are low, your urine will be considered watered down.


Exercise everyday until your test. Cardiovascular exercise keeps the metabolism up, which assists the detoxification process.


Steer clear of any other toxins, such as unnecessary medications, alcohol and over-the-counter drugs.

Tips & Warnings

Keeping stress levels down will help your body's metabolism and its detoxification process.

Scheduling the test for the afternoon and urinating frequently gives you more chances to rid yourself of toxins. But remember, if you are not taking creatinine, urinating often before the test can cause your urine to appear more watered down.

Nicotine counts as a toxin; don't take it in any form before a drug test.

How to Perform Child's Pose in Yoga

How to Perform Child's Pose in Yoga

Yoga can help reduce stress and strengthen the body. The "Child's Pose" is a relaxing pose that offers time away from visual distractions. You can use it to settle down or balance after performing a strenuous exercise.


Kneel on the floor, and place your hands and knees shoulder- and hip-width apart.


Put the top of your feet flat on the floor, and point your toes.


Lean back so that you are sitting on your heels.


Stretch your arms forward as far as they can go without rising off your heels.


Put your head down, and rest your forehead on the floor.


Stretch your arms and fingers out, while relaxing your head and neck and keeping your back straight.

Tips & Warnings

If sitting on your heels is uncomfortable for you, roll up a towel and place it on your ankles to relieve the pressure.

It is important to keep your back straight when doing the Child's pose. If you are not comfortable with this stretch, there are you can alter the pose to accommodate your needs. For example, one alternative is to stretch your hands on to a chair or other elevated surface. This only works well if the surface has enough space to allow you to rest your head at the same level. Another way, the preferred method, is to place large pillows on your legs so that you rest higher and stretch less in the pose.

As an alternative position for your arms, rest your arms down by your side. This is less of a stretch; it places more pressure on your neck.

Don't forget to take slow, deep breaths when performing the Child's pose.

How to Perform Acupuncture

How to Perform Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient healing practice, known to be at least 5,000 years old. It is usually associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but records show it was used in many cultures, most prominently by the Egyptians. Only in the last decade or so has it become an accepted form of pain relief and healing among doctors and those suffering in some way.


Find out what license you need to perform acupuncture in your state and then go through the training to become certified. In some states a medical doctor with the required training may use acupuncture along with his regular medical practice. It is very important to know exactly what you are doing when you perform this ancient healing art.


Learn the tools of the trade; needles and a map of anatomical meridians. Acupuncturists use stainless steel needles--thin as a hair and approximately 2 inches long, although some vary slightly in length. Needles are disposable to avoid contamination.


Understand how the process works on the human body. There are 3 known pathways to gain the results of acupuncture. The methods of application consist of deciding on the correct points to insert the needles (approximately 1 inch into the body) and the method which is most effective for treatment of the patient.


Take into account the different result of the placement of the needles. Inserting the needle stimulates nerve fibers which send an impulse to the spinal cord. Endorphins are released and block the pain signal. It also sends an impulse to the brain where enkephalin is released, which releases serotonin to suppress the pain signal. Hormones from the pituitary gland cause a reaction releasing cortisol (an anti-inflammatory steroid) into the bloodstream.


Learn the meridians of the human body. These are interconnected pathways dotted with hundreds of points which affect different parts of the body. Decide which treatment produces the best results; the 3 effects become stronger the closer the needles are placed to the pain center. The needles are left in place from 20 to 50 minutes and are sometimes twisted to stimulate the nerve fibers more effectively.


Assure your patients it is relatively painless, although some people feel a slight prick. Many feel nothing at all. There are few, if any, side effects. These include a feeling of well-being and a deep relaxation. Acupuncture is used to treat a wide variety of illnesses, such as nausea from chemotherapy, headaches, asthma and addiction, and it is used along with other treatments for rehabilitation after a stroke.

How to Brew Medicinal Tea from Ancient Folk Remedies

How to Brew Medicinal Tea from Ancient Folk Remedies

Over the centuries, ancient cultures have established their own medical practices. They combine herbology with animal byproducts and ritual cleansing to cure illness and treat pain. Many ancient folk remedies still exist today, preserved in oral and written histories. Tea is historically one of the most popular means of delivering a remedy. The heat from the water unlocks and extracts the medicinal elements of various substances while its liquid form helps the medicine go down.


Talk with people from different cultures who know their culture's traditional remedies. Learn their remedies and recipes. Firsthand information often comes with stories and explanations that effect the way a folk remedy is prepared or ingested. Connecting with individuals who have such knowledge can be difficult if you are not from that culture. Use your contacts to gain personal introductions. Introductions made by a third person who knows both parties are often the only way to get a traditional medical practitioner to speak with you.


Use a secondary sources. Contact the author of any book, article or paper you find when researching ancient folk remedies associated with your target ailment. Authors are usually happy to talk with interested readers about their work. Such conversations help decide if the author knows what she is taking about and if a recipe provided in the written work is genuine.


Ask your source to recommend reliable and trustworthy sources to supply your ingredients. Finding the ingredients online isn't the hard part. The hard part is knowing the substance you get is what the package says it is. This is especially true if you are unfamiliar with the substance or recipe you are working with.


Follow the recipe exactly when putting your ingredients together. Include the ingredients but also pay close attention to the dosage, timing and means of ingestion.


Brew your tea. Place small and textured herbs and other substances into a tea ball, place it in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Let the tea ball sit in the boiling water until the water is cool enough to drink. Remove the tea ball.


Boil dense or fibrous substances such as tree bark or thick roots for several minutes to break down the fibers and extract the medicinal substances. The water in which the bark or root is boiled becomes your tea. Remove the fibrous substance from the boiling water and strain if the water appears to require straining.


Divide your tea into the proper dosage and refrigerate the portion you do not immediately drink. Reheat the stored portions on the stove or in the microwave. Be careful not to bring the tea to boiling again. Boiling degrades the medicinal substances in the tea.

How to Shop for Designer Knock-Offs in New York

How to Shop for Designer Knock-Offs in New York

Do you love designer labels but hate paying designer prices? Obsessed with Vuitton, Prada, Coach, Hermes, Gucci and Chanel accessories but your bank account won't allow you to indulge your obsession? Canal Street and Broadway in
New York

will be your heaven on earth. Yes, they're fabulous fakes but at $20 to $40 for purses and $5 to $10 for wallets and sunglasses instead of the hundreds or even thousands of dollars the designers charge, who cares? And while the merchandise may not exhibit the craftsmanship of the genuine originals, it looks so authentic that only you'll know you didn't buy it on Madison Avenue.

Things You'll Need:

Cash only, no credit cards accepted


The intersection of Canal Street and Broadway in downtown Manhattan, just on the edge of Chinatown is ground zero for designer knock-offs. Hundreds of open air stalls and small shops sell a variety of faux designer accessories including handbags, wallets, watches, sunglasses, scarves, hats and perfumes.


You'll find dead-on knock-offs of Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Hermes, Coach, Chanel and many more top design houses. Because the designers have cracked down on faux merchandise in recent years, many shops don't display their best knock-offs but keep them hidden in boxes or under counters. Don't be afraid to ask what else a shop might have. Ask if they have any Vuitton or Prada and the best stuff will come out.


Prices range anywhere from $20.00 to $40.00 for handbags and $5.00 to $10.00 for wallets, scarves, hats, watches and sunglasses. Bring cash, because nobody takes credit cards and don't be afraid to bargain. Buy more than one item in the same store and you'll surely get a better price.


Don't listen to anybody trying to tell you they have the real thing. Some vendors will claim their merchandise is authentic and try to charge you hundreds of dollars for it. Do not believe them.

Tips & Warnings

Examine the merchandise carefully for flaws. Even if you are only paying $20.00 for it, you don't want it to fall apart after a week.

Cash only, no credit cards.

Consider the ethics of your purchases. Knock-offs involve copyright infringement and substandard labor practices.

How to Shop For Designer Knock-Offs In Los Angeles

How to Shop For Designer Knock-Offs In Los Angeles

If your wardrobe needs some blinging-up but you don't have Benjamins to burn, head to Downtown LA's Santee Alley to snap up designer knock-offs at bargain basement prices. An open air bazaar featuring 400 stalls, it's Bombay meets Tijuana meets Hong Kong, right in the heart of the famed

Fashion District. From clothing and shoes to sunglasses and handbags to jewelry and DVDs, you'll find it here in mass quantities and don't be afraid to haggle.

Things You'll Need:

Bring cash and you'll get a better price. Many stalls don't take credit cards.

How to Shop for Designer Knock-Offs in Los Angeles


Santee Alley is an actual alley, located between Santee Street and Maple Avenue and Olympic Blvd. and 12th Street, in the Fashion District of Downtown Los Angeles. It runs two blocks long with stalls on either side, a mash-up of Venice Beach and Rodeo Drive.


There are several parking lots surrounding the Alley where you can pay to park at rates ranging from $6.00 to $8.00. There's also metered street parking so bring plenty of quarters although spaces can be hard to come by. The shops are open from 10:00 to 5:00, seven days a week. Arrive early because the crush of humanity can be overwhelming later in the day.


Enter the alley from Olympic Blvd. to begin shopping. Vendors hawk faux Vuitton, Prada and Burberry, True Religion jeans and Chanel sunglasses just for starters. There are bootleg DVDs, silver and gold jewelery, hip-hop and club wear for both men and women, baby clothes and children's toys, the selection is endless. Most prices are in the $10.00 to $20.00 dollar range, but be sure to bargain. The more you buy from one stall, the more they're likely to reduce prices. If you love names, names, names and labels, labels, labels, even if they are fabulous fakes, Santee Alley is your de rigueur destination.

Tips & Warnings

There are no dressing rooms. Wear something you can try clothes on over.

Bring cash. Better to bargain with plus most stalls don't take credit cards anyway.

Keep your wallet protected. It can get insanely crowded and pickpockets aren't unheard of.

Don't leave anything valuable inside your car. It's not the best neighborhood in town and break-ins aren't unheard of either.

How to Shop for Designer Clothing on a Budget

How to Shop for Designer Clothing on a Budget

Designer prices often leave us stunned and gasping for air. The antidote for sticker shock lies somewhere between outlets, e-commerce and consignment shops.

Things You'll Need:

Men's Dress Shirts

Men's Dress Sweater

Mens' Dress Pants

Women's Dress Coats

Women's Dress Pants

Women's Dress Shirts

dresses and skirts


Figure out the clearance sale schedule of your favorite designer's store, or the high-end boutiques and specialty stores in your area. Many stick to January for spring/summer items and July for fall/winter items, while others may have an annual clearance weekend where surplus goods are priced to sell.


Remember that high-end designer outlets are often tucked far away from urban areas where department stores sell the same merchandise. Visit the outlets nearest to you (or in the vicinity of your next vacation spot) for the biggest selection of designer duds.


Make sales associates your ally - they know what's available, when it will be marked down, and how to keep reduced items from landing in someone else's closet. Get on the mailing list of your favorite stores to receive postcards and announcements for sales and clearance days.


Log on and check out the items being sold in classified ads, auction houses and online outlets. You'll discover everything from handbags and shoes to evening gowns and hair accessories.


Visit a consignment shop in an affluent area. Many customers wear items once or twice before sending them to consignment in favor of the latest trends.

Tips & Warnings

Make a habit to shop out of season. You may not want to think about cashmere sweaters or riding boots in the middle of July, but that's when you're likely to realize the greatest savings.

Consider alterations on pieces that don't quite fit. Even with a nominal fee for tailoring, you may still save a significant amount.

Examine secondhand merchandise very carefully for damages like stains, tears and separating seams.

Many outlet stores end up with irregulars. Try everything on to ensure proper fit and examine carefully for damages.

Always shop with secure online sites.

How to Shop for Clothes at Target

How to Shop for Clothes at Target

Target is a great place to buy for clothes for the entire family, whether shopping on a budget or with unlimited funds. Those who appreciate good clothes and great prices will enjoy shopping for clothes at Target. Target offers a great selection, affordable style and trendy designs. At Target, there are practical and fun clothes options for men, women, kids and infants.


Look for designer collections. Women with an eye for fashion are in luck at Target, which partners with well-known and upcoming fashion designers to produce signature collections for women at Target. Target's Go International Line makes designer clothes affordable for average incomes. For example, dresses from Alice Temerley's 2007 Target line sold for around $50--in contrast to her designer line dresses in Britain, which sold for $1,500. Other Go International designers have included Patrick Robinson, Behnaz Sarafpour and Libertine. In 2003, the Isaac Mizrahi collection debuted at Target as an ongoing line. Designer clothing lines are available at most SuperTargets, some regular stores, and online. Call your local store to see if they carry the designer goods.


Shop at Target for men's clothes. The Target-exclusive C9 by Champion line is sure to appeal to athletically inclined guys. Merona classic suiting separates and career shirts are a great buy at Target, as are Levi Straus Signature demin jeans. Young men like the Mossimo trendy jeans graphic Tees available at Target.


Browse Target's infant section for Child of Mine by Carter's, Lullaby Club and Genuine Pooh baby clothes. Expect good quality with these names as well as cuteness that is hard to resist.


Find toddler and kids' clothes at Target. Brand-aware customers will appreciate the quality Genuine Kids by Osh Kosh collection while the budget-conscious will find some bargains in Target's Circo line. Also check out Target's Tween Boutique for girls and

How to Shop for a Properly Fitted Bra

How to Shop for a Properly Fitted Bra

Bra shopping isn't as easy as it seems. With so many sizes, designs and shapes (not to mention breast shapes), finding the right over the shoulder boulder holder takes some time, education and patience.


Go to a reputable store, such as a place that specializes in lingerie or a department store. Both places will have fitters who can measure you to make sure you get the right size. Don't worry, you can keep your shirt on.


Be open to trying a few different styles on as well as more than one brand. Just because you're a 34C doesn't mean every 34C will fit.


Know what you want before you start shopping. If you are small on top, you can get away with a stretchy tank. If you want more oomph, look for padded bras that give you some shape.


If you're active, invest in a good


Bring along a fitted white t-shirt. Try it on over the bras you like so you'll be able to see all the lumps, bumps and seams before buying.

Tips & Warnings

Nude colored bras are a must under anything white.