How to Prepare for a Drug Test

How to Prepare for a Drug Test

Preparing for a drug test is not as complicated as it initially seems. There is a lot of talk about certain foods triggering false positives on such tests. There are some steps you can take to prevent this and help ease your jitters before taking a drug test. Read on to learn more.


Purchase a detoxification product. The prices vary dramatically. You must determine the amount of protection you need.


Eat healthily. Items high in fat such as grease, butter and creams slow the detoxification process. Eat a high-fiber, vegetable-filled and protein-rich diet. Eat frequently, but on the day of the test consume lighter meals.


Drink 12 8-oz. glasses of water a day.


Take creatinine supplements, if they are not included in your detoxification product. Urine tests gauge creatinine levels. If they are low, your urine will be considered watered down.


Exercise everyday until your test. Cardiovascular exercise keeps the metabolism up, which assists the detoxification process.


Steer clear of any other toxins, such as unnecessary medications, alcohol and over-the-counter drugs.

Tips & Warnings

Keeping stress levels down will help your body's metabolism and its detoxification process.

Scheduling the test for the afternoon and urinating frequently gives you more chances to rid yourself of toxins. But remember, if you are not taking creatinine, urinating often before the test can cause your urine to appear more watered down.

Nicotine counts as a toxin; don't take it in any form before a drug test.